Top 5 Relational Databases

Top 5 Relational Databases

Relational databases use a classic table format to store and manage data, with each piece of information grouped into a row and a column. Columns store a single kind or field data, such as a first name, an order number, or a product logo image link. Rows create the link between these data points. Rows can link the first name to the last name, then to a user name, email address, and customer ID.

Relational databases are used by businesses to store data from their applications and ensure that they have constant access to vital customer information, product data, social data, and financial details such as purchases, fulfillment, income, and expenses. Desktop apps that establish a small database on your machine to massive enterprise-grade data stores are examples of these systems. Almost all employ SQL as a query language, and most follow the ACID set of criteria to assure reliable transactions: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.

Top Rated Relational Databases Products

Here is the list of the top 5 most popular Relational Databases are:

1. Oracle

Oracle is the most widely used relational database system, invented by Oracle Corporation (RDBMS). Oracle is an RDBMS with cloud, document store, graph DBMS, key-value storage, BLOG, and PDF storage capabilities. Recently. Oracle recently announced an autonomous capability that enables intelligent and self-managed databases. Oracle Database 18c is the most recent version.

A relational database is an Oracle database (RDBMS). Rows and columns are used to store data in relational databases. A database table’s column represents an entity’s attributes, while the table’s rows store records. An object-relational database management system is an RDBMS that incorporates object-oriented features, including user-defined types, inheritance, and polymorphism (ORDBMS). Oracle Database has added an object-relational model to the relational model, allowing sophisticated business models to be stored in a relational database.

2. MySQL

MySQL is the world’s most popular open-source and accessible database. Oracle purchased MySQL in 2009 as part of the Sun Microsystems acquisition. The SQL in “MySQL” stands for “Structured Query Language” in MySQL. The most widely used standardized language for accessing databases is SQL. You can enter SQL directly (for example, to generate reports), embed SQL statements into code written in another language, or utilize a language-specific API that hides the SQL syntax, depending on your programming environment.

3. SQL Server

Microsoft’s SQL Server database is one of the most widely used databases globally. SQL Server, which was first released in 1989 and is written in C and C++, is now widely utilized by big corporations. SQL Server is also available as Azure SQL Server on Microsoft’s Azure cloud. SQL Server 2019 is the most recent version of SQL Server.

4. PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is a robust, open-source object-relational database system that employs and extends the SQL language and several capabilities that allow it to store and grow even the most complex data workloads reliably. PostgreSQL began in 1986 as part of the POSTGRES project at the University of California at Berkeley, and the core platform has been actively developed for more than 30 years. The most recent version of PostgreSQL is 11.4 (published on June 20, 2019). The PostgreSQL Global Development Group manages PostgreSQL, which is written in C.

The open-source community behind PostgreSQL is known for its architecture, stability, data integrity, broad feature set, extensibility, and commitment to constantly producing performant and innovative solutions.

5. IBM DB2

For transactional and warehousing applications, the IBM Db2 database is a relational database that provides comprehensive data management and analytics features. This operational database is compatible with Linux, Unix, and Windows operating systems and is designed to give high performance, actionable insights, data availability, and dependability.

In-memory technology, advanced management and development tools, storage optimization, workload management, actionable compression, and continuous data availability are all included in the Db2 database software.


I have high hopes that this article has been of assistance to you in determining which relational database technology will serve your needs most effectively. These relational databases should assist you, whether the application you’re developing requires managing a large number of data or just searching for something that can run in the cloud. Make sure you read the reviews that are up top, and then click through to each of our roundup articles to learn more about the individual vendors discussed there.

What is the most used relational database?

Oracle had a rating of 1266.89 as of January 2022, making it the most prevalent relational database management system (RDBMS) globally. Oracle was also the most common database management system overall. The top three were MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server.

Is Excel a relational database?

There are many other types of databases, but SQL can only interface with relational databases. A relational database comprises tables, similar to how an Excel workbook is made up of spreadsheets.

What are relational databases?

A relational database is a collection of data elements that have pre-defined relationships. These elements are laid out in a table format with columns and rows. Tables store data about the things that will be represented in the database.

The post Top 5 Relational Databases appeared first on Abhay Singh.

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