Top 10 AWS ElasticSearch interview question and answer
What is ElasticSearch?
ElasticSearch is a search engine based on the Lucene library. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents.
How does ElasticSearch work?
ElasticSearch works by storing documents in an index and processing search queries against that index. When a user searches for a particular term, ElasticSearch returns the documents that contain the term, ranked by relevance.
What are the key features of ElasticSearch?
Some key features of ElasticSearch include distributed search, real-time search, faceted search, and support for multiple indices and types.
How is ElasticSearch different from Solr?
ElasticSearch and Solr are both search engines based on the Lucene library, but ElasticSearch is more recent and has a number of additional features, such as support for distributed search and real-time search. Additionally, ElasticSearch uses a JSON document model, while Solr uses XML.
What is an ElasticSearch index?
An ElasticSearch index is a collection of documents with similar characteristics that are organized into a single unit. Indices are used to store, retrieve, and delete documents, as well as to provide efficient search results.
What is an ElasticSearch type?
An ElasticSearch type is a subclass within an index that represents a specific class of documents. Each type has a specific mapping, which defines the fields that the type contains and how those fields should be treated by ElasticSearch.
How do you index a document in ElasticSearch?
To index a document in ElasticSearch, you can use the index API and specify the index, type, and ID of the document. The document can be provided as a JSON object or as a string in JSON format.
How do you delete an index in ElasticSearch?
To delete an index in ElasticSearch, you can use the delete API and specify the index name. You can also use the indices.delete API to delete multiple indices at once.
How do you perform a search in ElasticSearch?
To perform a search in ElasticSearch, you can use the search API and specify the search criteria in the request body. The search criteria can include various parameters, such as the query string, filters, and facets.
What is a search hit in ElasticSearch?
A search hit in ElasticSearch is a document that matches the search criteria for a given search request. The search response includes a list of search hits, along with other information such as the total number of hits and the search duration.
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